This Month in Gurzu - May 2024

Hey everyone,

May flew by in a flash!

We have been steadily putting in the work here at Gurzu. We know things can get busy, so we wanted to take a moment to catch you up on some new content from our office.

Dive in, explore, and let us know what you think!

Blog Posts/Articles

Gurzu Insights with Prachanda Bajracharya

Gurzu insights is a series where we talk to our engineers about their career, and new trends in engineering.

This month’s Gurzu Insights featured Prachanda, a senior mobile engineer at Gurzu. He talks about his journey, interesting projects he has done, and the lessons he has learned along the way. Read it here.

Simple Steps to Reboot Servers with Ansible

Ansible is an open-source automation tool that simplifies configuration management, application deployment and other tasks across various servers and systems. How to reboot servers using ansible? Read the guide now!

Knowledge Ketchup Podcast

Knowledge ketchup is a weekly event at Gurzu where each week, one of our team members takes the stage to share something that they know with the rest of the team. 

You can now listen to all the knowledge ketchup audio in Podcast format! You will find a range of podcast from our engineers talking about topics such as programming, test automation, design, and a lot more!

You can find all the knowledge ketchup episodes on Spotify or Apple Podcast.

Happy listening!

App Recommendation: WOLO

We want to talk about a fantastic new mobile app, WOLO (We Only Live Once). 

Most of us capture too many photos and videos during our lifetime. The WOLO app is a place where you can view a curated selection of life’s absolute best moments - the ones you wish to remember the most. 

In the WOLO app, you can create WOLOs (albums) where friends and family (your “Groupies”) will view images that you have specifically designated for them. And if you wish to keep a WOLO all to yourself, then mark it as Private, and feel free to share it with Groupies or the Public at any point in the future. 

But the catch is, you can only upload one picture per WOLO album per day. So, pick your best memory of the day, organize it on WOLO albums, and create a visual carousel of your whole life!

You can download WOLO on iOS, or get it on Android.

Thank you!

Gurzu is a full-cycle software development company. Since 2014, we have helped world-class customers get to their markets quickly with high-quality products built with modern software technologies. Our team of experienced developers, designers, and test automation engineers can help to develop your next product.

Have a tech idea you want to turn into reality? Book a free consulting call or simply, leave us a text message.