This Month in Gurzu - July 2023

Hello readers,

We are delighted to present the July edition of “This Month in Gurzu,” our monthly newsletter. In this issue, we will share some notable happenings within our company this month.

Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we hope you enjoy the issue.


July 6: Frontend Fusion Workshop

Front-end engineers organized this workshop to discover frontend web development standards, learn the fundamentals of building visually interactive user interfaces, and understand how end-users consume a system.

July 17: Shrawan Fest

Women of Gurzu gathered together to celebrate the auspicious season of ‘Shrawan’ with ethnic dress up, food, and music.

July 27: Hosted a tech meetup

Tech Kura Kani is a monthly tech meetup organized by Web Weekend Kathmandu. The 10th episode of Tech Kura Kani was hosted at the Gurzu premises, where more than 20 engineers talked about the latest tech happenings worldwide.

Tech Meetup at Gurzu

Blogs/ Case Studies

We have been summarizing our experiences of client work in short case studies. 

In 2023, we worked with WicketSoft, an AI software company from the USA. As the project evolved and new features were added, manual regression testing became time-consuming, error-prone, and resource intensive. 

Sony Tuladhar wrote about how our QA team achieved 100% test automation for Wicket within 3 months. Read the full story here.

Gurzu worked on an amazing sustainable fashion e-commerce project, Reveiled in 2022. Alaka​ talked to the team that had worked on the project and summarized their experience in this case study. 

Swostika​ and Asmita wrote about their experience working with the ONEOS app. Gurzu engineers built the ONEOS app for both Android and iOS platforms. Now, it was up to our QA team to ensure its quality, usability, and scalability. The QA team used manual and automated testing to perform rigorous testing on the ONEOS app. Read the full story here.

Product Designer Robina is summarizing her “Design Audit” talk at the G1 conference last month in a two-part blog series. Read the first part of the series here. Here is her speech at the G1 conference.

Knowledge Ketchup:

Knowledge ketchup is Gurzu’s spin on lunch and learn, where each week, one of our team members takes the stage to share something with the rest of the team. 

July 5: Design Thinking A Problem-Solving Skill

Product Designer Bishal shared about ‘design thinking’ and how not just designers but everyone can use it as a problem-solving skill in their daily life. Find the slide deck.

July 12: Obtaining your tax clearance certificate

Finance Manager Deepak shared how to obtain a tax clearance certificate in Nepal. Find the slide deck here.

July 19: From MIT to Gurzu

Disha Kohli is a sophomore at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. She is at Gurzu for a two-month summer internship. She shared her experience growing up in the USA, getting into MIT, and coming to Nepal. 

July 26: I’m Programmer 

Director Ganesh talked about his early days as a programmer and how developing the pragmatic programmer mindset has helped him grow exponentially. Find the slide deck here.

Knowledge Ketchup Gurzu July

Final Words:

Thank you so much for reading through the end. We will be back with the latest stories from our office in the next month’s issue.

Gurzu is a full-cycle Software development company. Since 2014, we have built softwares for many startups and enterprises from all around the world using Agile methodology. Our team of experienced developers, designer, test automation engineers can help to develop your next product.

Read more about our services here. Have a tech idea you want to turn into reality? Book a free consulting call.