This Month in Gurzu - August 2023

Hello Readers,

Welcome to the August edition of “This Month in Gurzu”, your go-to source for everything happening within our company. We are excited to bring you a roundup of noteworthy updates and events as we move into the next month. 

We hope you find this issue as engaging and insightful as ever. Let’s dive right in.

Test Automation Webinar: August 22

The highlight of this month was organizing a webinar on test automation with Sony Tuladhar and Bas Dijkstra. Above 100 users joined the webinar via Linkedin Live and Zoom.

A little bit about the speakers and their topics:

Sony Tuladhar

Sony is a senior QA Engineer at Gurzu. She shared a tried and tested roadmap to test automation with real life examples in her talk “The secret to successful test automation: 8 steps every company can follow.”

Bas Dijkstra

Bas is a well-known test automation trainer and consultant from the Netherlands with 14 years of experience. He talked about the importance of following the fundamentals before adopting test automation in his talk: “How well do you wield your tools? The importance of craftsmanship in test automation.”

Watch the recording of the webinar here.

Test Automation Webinar Gurzu

Knowledge Ketchup

Knowledge ketchup is Gurzu’s take on the classic lunch-and-learn concept. Every week, a team member steps onto the stage, sharing valuable insights with the entire team. This month, we’ve hosted three knowledge ketchup sessions, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.

August 2: Adding Chat Feature to a React Native App with Firebase

Ichhya talked about how the mobile team incorporated a chat feature using Firebase in a social media app project for a client. Find the slide deck here.

August 9: Nightmare of a Project Manager

From sick team members to client miscommunication, a project manager has to face many challenges. Jasmeen talked about some significant challenges she has faced in this talk. Find the slide deck here.

August 17: The Art of Refactoring

Refactoring is an often overlooked art in programming. Asmit talked about how refactoring contributes to producing high-quality, sustainable code bases in this talk. Find the slide deck here or watch the presentation here.

Blogs/ Case Studies

Based on her talk at Knowledge Ketchup, Ichhya wrote an article on how the mobile team added a chat feature to a React native app. Read it here.

Developers tend to delegate the software testing responsibility to the QA team, but it’s the responsibility of the developers as well. Sujan explained React Testing with Vitest and React Testing Libraries in the three-part blog series. Read part Ipart II & part III here. 

In 2022, Gurzu worked on WOLO, a fun social media app. Jasmeen summarized our experience of launching it within three months in a short case study. Read the full story here.

How we launched a functional mobile app in 3 months wolo case study gurzu

Gurzu Interns

Over the past couple months, Gurzu had the pleasure of hosting two interns who brought their cheerful and enthusiastic energy to our team. 

Disha Kohli 

Disha Kohli is a student at MIT, USA. As part of the MIT Global Experiences program, Disha traveled to Nepal and interned at Gurzu for two months.

On her final day here, we asked her to summarize her experience. Here’s what she had to say.

Pramada Shrestha

Pramada interned at Gurzu for two months during her final year of college. On her last day, she shared her experience and discussed how it would contribute to her career as a programmer. Watch it here.

Thank you!

Your dedication to reading through means a lot to us. Stay tuned for more captivating stories from our office in the upcoming edition.

Gurzu is a full-cycle software development company. Since 2014, we have built for many startups and enterprises from all around the world using Agile methodology. Our team of experienced developers, designers, and test automation engineers can help to develop your next product.

Have a tech idea you want to turn into reality? Book a free consulting call.