Building RESTful APIs with Grape in Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a powerful web framework, yet when creating APIs, developers usually opt for light and flexible alternatives over Rails controllers. Grape comes to the rescue! It is  a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for building RESTful APIs in Ruby. In this article, we will talk about Grape, why it’s beneficial, and how you can include it in a Rails application.

What is Grape?

Grape is a Ruby framework for creating APIs that can be utilized as a standalone API layer or mounted within a Rails application. It boasts a slim, elegant DSL for declaring endpoints and also offers features like parameters validation, versioning and middleware support.

Why Use Grape?

Compared to Rails controllers, where the purpose is to suit web applications, Grape is designed to produce APIs with less overhead. The most significant advantages are:

  • Lightweight and Flexible: Grape is designed specifically for APIs and therefore is more effective than standard Rails controllers.
  • Built-in Parameter Handling: Grape supports strong parameter validation and coercion with minimal boilerplate code.
  • Middleware and Mounting: It can be easily plugged into a Rails app or run as a standalone API.
  • Versioning Support: It is simple to support multiple API versions (v1, v2, etc.).
  • Customizable Response Formats: Grape supports JSON, XML and other formats of response.
  • Support for Authentication: Grape can be paired with Devise, JWT or OAuth for authentication.

Setting Up Grape in a Rails Application

1. Install Grape

Add Grape to your Rails application by including it in the Gemfile:

 # Grape Framework
      gem 'grape'
	gem 'grape-entity'
	gem 'grape_on_rails_route'
	gem 'grape-swagger'
	gem 'grape-swagger-rails'
	#  Grape Swagger
	gem 'grape-swagger-entity'
	gem 'grape-swagger-representable'

Run the following command to install the gem:

bundle install

2. Create a Basic API

Inside your Rails project, create a new directory app/api, and define a base API class

require ‘grape-swagger’
module Api
  class BaseApi < Grape::API 
    format :json
    version ‘v1.0’
    add_swagger_documentation format: :json,
                              hide_documentation_path: false,
                              array_use_braces: true,
                              info: {
                                title: ‘Book API’,
                                Description: ‘Book API’
    get :status do 
      {status: ‘API is running’}

3. Mount the API in Rails

Modify routes.rb to mount the API:

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount BaseAPI => '/api'

Now, When you start your Rails server and visit http://localhost:3000/api/status, you should see the following JSON response:

{ "status": "API is running" }

Implementing CRUD Operations with Grape

Let’s create an API for managing books. First, create a new API file to define CRUD operations

# app/api/books_api.rb
module Api
  class BooksAPI < Grape::API
    format :json
    prefix :api
    resource :books do
      desc 'Return all books'
      get do
       present Book.all, with: BookEntity

      desc 'Return a specific book'
      params do
        requires :id, type: Integer
      get ':id' do
        present Book.find(params[:id]), with: BookEntity

     desc 'Create a new book'
     params do
       requires :title, type: String
       requires :author, type: String
     post do
       present Book.create!(declared(params)), with: BookEntity

4. Mount the Books API

Modify base_api.rb to include the BooksAPI**

require 'grape-swagger'
module Api
  class BaseApi < Grape::API 
     format :json
     version 'v1.0'
     add_swagger_documentation format: :json,
                               hide_documentation_path: false,
                               array_use_braces: true,
                               info: {
                                  title: 'Book API',
                                  Description: 'Book API'
     get :status do 
       {status: 'API is running'}
    mount BooksAPI

5. Testing the API

Start your Rails server and test the endpoints using tools like Postman or curl:

  • GET /api/books —> Fetch all books.
  • GET /api/books/:id —> Fetch a specific book by ID
  • POST /api/books (with JSON body) —> Create a new book

Structuring API Responses with Grape Entities

Grape provides Entities to define structured JSON response for API clients. Instead of exposing raw ActiveRecord models, we can define an entity to format the response:

# app/api/entities/book_entity.rb
class BookEntity < Grape::Entity
  expose :id, documentation: { type: 'Integer', desc: 'Book ID' }
  expose :title, documentation: { type: 'String', desc: 'Book Title' }
  expose :author, documentation: { type: 'String', desc: 'Book Author' }

Now, when we return a book in the API, we use present to apply the entity

Access the API Documentation

Once you restart the Rails server, visit::



Grape offers a clean, effective way to build APIs for Ruby on Rails. It provides strong features like parameter validation, authentication, versioning, and response rendering that make API development more efficient and manageable. Grape Entities provide effective management of API response, while Grape-swagger allows clean and interactive documentation of APIs.

If you require a light, flexible replacement for Rails controllers for API development, Grape is the solution. Start using Grape today and simplify your API development process!. Need Ruby experts to help you out? Book a free consulting session with Gurzu Engineers. Enjoy Coding! 😀


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