Bug Reporting Template

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Who can report Defect/Bug?

Anyone came across the bug can report bug/defect and put that on the Project/Product Backlog.

After reporting the Bug QA team can organize the Triage meeting to set the priority and severity of that bug. Development Team lead, QA Team lead and Project Manager decide in which sprint that bug will be fix or that bug needs to be hotfix.

Note: If any team member other than QA found the bug/defect they have to assign that bug/defect to the QA of their project to verify whether that is bug/defect or not.

Template Description

Bug Title
A bug title is read more frequently than any other part of the bug report and should be clear and concise.

Everybody should be able to determine what the bug is without having to open the entire report.

A well-defined bug description allows for an easy understanding of the bug and what happens.

It is also essential to include what operating system, browser configurations, and versions are being utilized when the bug is present.

Mention the in which user the bug has been replicated. (User roles)

Step to Reproduce
This provides clear instructions on how the bug can be reproduced by your developers.

Expected Results
Mention what is the expected results

Actual Results
Mention what is actually happening currently in that bug

Screenshot / Attachments / Screen Recording
Include a clear screenshot at the point of failure and when the bug occurred.


Bug Tracking Example - Gurzu